Aloysa Hourigan Dietitian

Aloysa Hourigan

Aloysa has over 30 years of experience as a Dietitian and has worked for Nutrition Australia and running her own private practice in Brisbane. In addition to her dietetic qualifications, Aloysa has a Graduate Diploma in Counselling from the Queensland University of Technology.

Having a counseling qualification alongside expertise in nutrition and food has led Aloysa to focus on the area of eating disorders and has a great deal of compassion and experience providing support for long-term recovery

Specialist areas:

Eating disorders

Gut disorders

Food intolerances

Anna Darcy, Accredited Practising Dietitian

Anna D'Arcy

Anna is an Accredited Practising Dietitian and co-director of My Nutrition Clinic who has worked for over two decades in the development and delivery of weight management programmes for adults and children. Anna has a Masters of Nutrition and Dietetics along with a Masters in Public Health and has worked in both Australia and London (UK). 


Favourite nutrition areas:

Weight management

Bariatric surgery


Eating Disorders

Gut issues

Credentialed Eating Disorder Dietitian


Some of the ways we can help:

Our dietitians are experienced in helping people through their eating disorder recovery and can give practical strategies to heal your relationship with food and your body. If you don’t have a dietitian on your treatment team, here are 5 reasons to include one: 

  • Challenging the diet culture and increase self-confidence with food choices
  • Support flexible eating and increase satisfaction at mealtimes
  • Gradually increase the nutrient density of your diet
  • Understanding the potential to be healthy at every size
  • Enhance ability to listen to our bodies
Could this be a food intolerance?

Could this be a food intolerance? Food allergies and food intolerances are two very separate [...]

Tests for coeliac disease explained

Gluten-free diets are becoming more common among adults these days even in the absence of a [...]

What is the difference between an allergy and an intolerance?

An allergic reaction involves the immune system whilst an intolerance does not. An intolerance is [...]