The missing piece in the the weight management puzzle

There are 3 simple (but not easy) steps to achieving a healthy weight. If you have already seen one of our Dietitians in the clinic, you will have a pretty good idea of what to eat so we wanted to give you some information about getting into the right frame of mind for reaching a healthy weight. So it is at this point we will introduce you to our friend Glenn Mackintosh.  Glenn is one of Australia’s leading weight management psychologists and is working with us at our new headquarters in Robina.  You can find out more about him and his credentials from the link above,  but we like him because he’s really good at explaining evidence-based ideas in an easy and relatable way (not “psychologisty” at all!). We find that so many of our clients know what to eat, but they struggle sticking to it – and most of the reasons are psychological.  Reasons such as:
  • Lack of motivation or not being able to “click” into the right mindset
  • Being very all or nothing when it comes to food and/or exercise
  • Emotional eating & body image concerns.
So here is a freebie for you from Glenn to get you started on your journey to a healthy mind-set. Glenn has a a YouTube channel called Thursday Therapy, where he answers questions on the psychology of eating, physical activity, weight, and body-image every two weeks, and we are loving it!! And for those of you who don’t want to lose weight – many of the tips Glenn gives in these videos are useful for many other aspects of your diet and lifestyle if you just want to be healthier and more happy with your body! Here’s the intro video to tell you about the channel, and there are links below if you want to sign up – best of all, it’s FREE! So please get in touch to let us know what your psychological barriers to achieving lasting success with weight management are.  Do you struggle with emotional eating or not wanting to exercise?  Do you feel like you are self-sabotaging for any reason (and if so, why?). We are really looking forward to hearing your thoughts and giving you some answers from the team at My Nutrition Clinic and Glenn Mackintosh. We are keen to help you as much as we can on your  journey to better understanding of your mind and how it effects your eating, physical activity, and weight!

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